The Labour History Project is delighted to announce the shortlist for the 2022 Bert Roth Award. The Bert Roth Award is presented annually to the work that best depicts the history of work and resistance in Aotearoa/New Zealand. It is named for the late historian Bert Roth. This was a particularly strong year and we’re excited by the quality of the shortlist.
Elinor Chisholm, ‘”Come Quickly! The Bailiffs Are In!”: Resistance to Eviction During the Depression in New Zealand’, New Zealand Journal of History, 55(2), 2021, pp. 32-50.
Brad Flahive & Alex Liu, Once a Panther, Podcast, 2021.
Morgan Godfery, ‘In Kawerau one thing impedes the effort to vaccinate Māori: New Zealand’s history’, The Guardian, 19 October 2021,
Julia Laite, The disappearance of Lydia Harvey, Allen & Unwin, 2021.
Cybèle Locke, ‘The New Zealand Northern Drivers’ Union: Trade Union Anti-Racism Work’, 1937–80 Labour History, 120, 2021, pp. 21-47.
Jon Henning, ‘The Unpaid Child’, New Zealand Journal of History, 55(1), pp. 50-71.
Rebecca Macfie, Helen Kelly: Her Life, Awa Press, 2021.
Jacinta Ruru & Linda Nikora (eds), Ngā Kete Mātauranga, University of Otago Press, 2021.
@tweetthetour, 2021.
Margaret Wilson, Activism, Feminism, Politics and Parliament, Bridget Williams Books, 2021.
The winner will be announced at the Labour History Project AGM – 6pm at the National Library, Wednesday 20 July. There will also be the Rona Bailey Memorial Lecture, and the launch of Women Will Rise! Recalling the Working Women’s Charter.