Interested in becoming a member? By joining the Labour History Project you will be supporting the promotion of working-class history, receive the LHP Bulletin three times a year, and keep up-to-date with the latest news, reviews and events. Membership fees are:
- Individuals: $40 waged and $20 unwaged
- Institutions: $75
Membership is valid for the financial year 1 April – 31 March. To pay online, our bank account details are:
Labour History Project Inc.
38 9012 0672630 00
International deposits can be made to:
Labour History Project Inc.
38 9012 0672630 00
Ground Floor, NZ Post House, 7 Waterloo Quay, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
SWIFT Code: KIWINZ22Please include your name and “Sub” as references so that we can identify your payment, and please email when the deposit has been made, including your contact details. That way we can send you the Bulletin. For all other enquires please contact: