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Labour History Project Bulletin

Reproduction of the first issue of the Trade Union History Project News.  Black text on white background as follows:

Trade Union History Project News
Bulletin No. 1 PO Box 12-312 Wellington October 1987

How it Began

Despite the work of Labour historians like Bert Roth, hte exiserence of a trade union library, the Dan Long library, and some histories and films commissioned by unions, a number of people still feel that a lot of union material is being neglected. Not only was much of it unrecorded at the time, but records of the past are not being preserved the death of old activists, with their memories unrecorded, and neglect and loss of written and visual records mean the movement is losing its own history.  The fact that Jock Barnes is elderly and ill seemed to make a film on hte watersiders Union 1946-51 a priority.  A number of unionists, after several discussions, brought prposals to a specially called meeting.
First Issue of the Labour History Project Bulletin

We publish the Labour History Project Bulletin three times a year, April, August and December. We publish articles, interviews, discussion and reviews. Back issues are available on our website four months after it is sent to subscribers.

  • LHP Bulletin 91, August 2024
    The August 2024 Bulletin contains feature articles why Fair Pay should not be a political football, Part Two of the extract from Rugby League in NZ, Socialist Sunday Schools in NZ, Report on the opening of the extension of the Mahi Tupuna, Blackball Museum of Working Class History and Mayday Forum, a review of the James Robb’s biography of Harry Holland and Lyndy McIntyre’s keynote speech “The power of the story” about the living wage movement in New Zealand.
  • Labour History Project Bulletin 90, April 2024
    The April 2024 Bulletin includes feature articles on Railway Navvies, Rugby Leave, the Rūnanga Miners Hall, an interview with Bill Newsom, and Cybèle Locke’s Rona Bailey lecture on Rona Bailey.
  • Labour History Bulletin 89, November 2023
    The November 2023 bulletin contains articles on the New Zealand’s new history curriculum, Nancy McShane, Marry Rogers, a review of Catherine Comyn’s book about the financial colonisation of New Zealand, a reviews of Graeme Kelly’s book about the Labour Party, Richard Hill and Stephen Loveridge’s book about state surveillance in New Zealand and Paul Maunder’s book Solidarity: A Blackball novel.
  • Labour History Project Bulletin 88, August 2023
    The August 2023 Bulletin contains articles from Russell Campbell about his upcoming book “Down Tools, Strikes on Screen”, nominations for the Bert Roth Labour History Award, Prison labour in 19th century New Zealand, Red Runanga and death of King George VII, Walk off Australia, and a review of Cybele Locke’s biography of Bill Andersen.
  • Labour History Project Bulletin 86, December 2022
    The December bulletin contains articles from Dame Catherine Healy, an historical account of sex workers fighting for their rights, Cybele Locke on the history of gender equality, Professor Jane Kelsey, Ken Douglas on the Working Women’s Charter, and reviews of Tama Iti’s I will not Speak Maori, Maori Scholars at the research interface, Jared Davidson’s History of a riot, the Life and Times of David Grant, and an obituary of Ken Douglas who died on 22 September 2022.

All Previous Issues